

SUNLAY has a good business relationship and cooperation with many well-known domestic and international hotel management brands. On top of the relationship, we use our experiences and pay attention to operation and efficiency of the hotel regarding, all related issues are reflected in our hotel design to reduce energy consumption and operation cost. In hotel design, we first unearth regional and cultural connotation for hotel to establish its unique regional and cultural attribute belonging to its specific location on the basis of standard service then we also consider tourism, business and exhibition market dynamics to design hotel rooms and exhibition function also layout the conference rooms with a reasonable scale to form an effective traffic line.
Urban boutique hotel design emphasizes consistency, uniqueness and culture of architecture, interior space and furnishings temperament consistency and lays stress on the integration of the architecture and interior space. An outstanding hotel can create an immediate intimacy and fulfillment for the occupants. It is exactly the artistic experience and creation of atmosphere that promote the value of the hotel.
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