Health & Nursing 


The office design principle of SUNLAY is first of all based on site context and use requirement. We emphasize utilization rate and efficiency while pay attention to humanistic feelings to create a more humanistic atmosphere and frequent interaction between office spaces, thus promoting the value of office space and work efficiency. During design stage, there are matters influent design scopes such as different zone, location and development strategy which affect the pattern of office space. Additional ratio between rent and sale also influences overall planning, traffic operation, floor plan, mechanical plan and succeeding property management mode. Such technical factors as annual dynamic energy consumption, lighting, ventilation, vertical traffic operation all need to be comprehensively balanced in the preliminary concept design to lay the foundation for the success of the project.
Regarding to our design experiences, not only planning design but also architecture design, from small independent office, headquarters office, Business Park to 5A Information intelligent office and skyscrapers, factors as efficiency, adaptive flexibility, cultural attribute, recognizability and landmark role all shall be constantly considered in all design stages.
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